Brazilian beef has gained more and more space on the tables of different countries and the Americans have surpassed Chile in negotiations for this protein this year. According to data from Cepea, the United States has risen to the 3rd position among the countries that most import beef from Brazil, only behind China and Hong Kong.
Chile had been holding the third place, but the scenario changed with the activation of new Brazilian slaughterhouses by the US, the dollar rate against the Brazilian currency, Real, and the reduction of the Australian herd, a strong international player.
According to the Foreign Trade Secretariat, in June, Brazil sent 8,78 thousand tons of beef to the US, 18.2% above that being registered in June 2020. From January to June this year, a beef record was registered in shipments to the United States. In total, Brazil exported 42,48 thousand tons, more than double the volume exported in the first half of 2020 (20,100 tons) and above the 16,9 thousand tons for the same period in 2019.