By Garra - 02/09/2024 in Chicken

Brazilian poultry exports signal decline in August

The volume of Brazilian fresh poultry exports in August so far, up to the 23rd, signals a decline in total shipments for the month compared to August 2023, according to data released by the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex) of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade, and Services (MDIC).

In the first 17 business days of August this year, 281.53 thousand tons of fresh poultry were exported, compared to 402.15 thousand tons shipped during the 23 business days of August 2023.

Brazilian poultry exports in August this year were partially impacted by the suspension of shipments to a list of countries due to an isolated case of Newcastle disease reported in July in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. China, the largest buyer of Brazilian poultry, resumed purchases of the protein from Brazil in mid-August.

The daily average of Brazilian poultry exports in August stands at 16.56 thousand tons, compared to 17.48 thousand tons in August 2023.

Revenue from poultry exports totaled USD 523.66 million in the first 17 business days of August this year, compared to USD 752.85 million for the entire month of August 2023. The price paid per ton exported also shows a decline, at USD 1,860 compared to USD 1,872 in the same month last year.

Positive Outlook

Although the preliminary August numbers indicate a reduction in shipments, the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA) forecasts a record performance for the country’s poultry sector this year.

“On one hand, the international market has increasingly demanded our products due to changes in the demand flow of our international competitors. On the other hand, Brazilian families are consuming more proteins, a result of a positive economic moment for Brazil.”

Brazilian poultry production in 2024 is expected to reach 15.1 million tons, an increase of 1.8% compared to 2023, according to ABPA projections. Of this total, 9.85 million tons will stay in the domestic market, 1.6% above last year’s volume. ABPA also estimates a 2.2% increase in exports to 5.25 million tons.

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