The aging population in Brazil will stimulate internal meat consumption growth in the next few decades, says a study released by Rabobank.
According to the report, two factors will account for this change. Firstly, an older consumer base will consequently have different needs. At the same time, today’s younger consumers will become the biggest segment of the future population.
This means that some consumer habits seen in the younger generations today will reflect on future sales.
In this context, “dairy sales look more vulnerable from a volume standpoint in an aging population, while animal protein consumption should grow”, says Rabobank.
In 2030, the Brazilian population is expected to rise by around 30 million people compared to 2010. As a result, the increase in domestic demand for beef should be approximately 785,000 tons, for pork around 530,000 tons, and for chicken 1.5 million tons.
By 2050, the population increase compared to 2010 should be around 38 million people, which would raise the demand for beef by around 996,000 tons, pork meat by 670,000 tons, and chicken by another increase of 2 million tons at current per capita consumption levels.